Figma UX design kit

For years, designers have been stuck in their tools all by themselves. Thanks to Figma, we can now create in real-time with others—even if they're not in the same room. Lately, I've been experimenting with using Figma to do UX exercises with the marketers, engineers, and designers on my team at Uber. It's been a super fun and useful way to generate and share ideas—especially with remote teammates.

I put together a kit that gives you some templates to try out with your team: card sorting, journey mapping, ideation, and motivation mapping. Explore the kit →

How it works

Open up the Figma file, and click the button in the bottom right to sign in. Select the artboard you want, and copy it over to your own file. From there, you can share it with your team.

What's inside

Card sorting — use this if you have a lot of content for an app or a website, but aren’t sure how to organize it. A card sorting exercise helps you crowdsource ideas re: which information should be grouped together and what those groups should be called. (Credit: Patrick Dohan)

Journey mapping — use this when you want to understand the story of a user or set of users who are interacting with your product. You can then identify the problems and opportunities at each phase of the user's journey.

Ideating — use this when you want to generate a lot of ideas with your team. You can quickly visualize which ones seem worth pursuing by mapping them on an impact/effort matrix.

Motivation matrix — use this when you’re working in a complex system and want to understand how all of the stakeholders’ incentives align (or not).