I get by With a little help From my friends.

Shout out to everyone who's lent a hand

It takes a village to do anything worthwhile, and all of my work is very much a collective effort. One of my favorite quotes comes by way of an anon Twitter account who said, "Cognition is not a discrete process taking place inside your head. It isn't even a discrete process taking place inside your body. It's a web extending everywhere, with dense nodes pulling it this way and that, synchronizing and desynchronizing." With that in mind, I'm extremely grateful for the web that supports and inspires me.

Mentors, collaborators, & co-conspirators

Laurie Bender Cathy D'Agostino Susan Holderread Timothy Kajfez Joe Zinter Brad Rosen Paul Lussier Verlyn Klinkenborg Christiaan Vorkink Mark Kawano Brenna Marketello Scotty Silverman Jeff Vanichsarn Eric Eisher Greg Greiner Jeremy Ho Walden Davis Randa Sakallah Jake Bernstein Joyful Wamariya Anthony Nichols Lucy Fleming Jesse Ebner Attila Yaman Nik Laskaris Ree Ree Li Ryan Manucha Devon Geyelin Osi Imeokparia HFA Design Steph Cheng Bobby Dresser B.I. Haynes M.G. Jarrett Dina Lamdany Tania Anaissie Jason Lewis Wade & Elaine Lewis Josh Morin


This site is powered by Jekyll, Namecheap, and a planetary infrastructure of underwater fiber-opitc cables and server farms and satellites that I barely understand. Typeset in Graphik, Graphik Compact, IBM Plex Mono, and EB Garamond. Scroll effects by Michael Sanjóg. Design inspiration comes from Taroyo Shimura, Wojtek Witkowski, Josh Lee, MSCHF, julian.digital, Ian Lunn, Tom Critchlow, and Toby Shorin.

August 2020
Made in Glencoe, IL